Get All Discount Codes

Discount Codes

This endpoint returns a collection response. Each entry of the collection contains the details for one item. You can control which details are returned by specifying the fields parameter. Use the expand parameter to include related objects. Use the response's pagination parameters to navigate through the entire collection.

Available Fields

These are the standard fields available for configuring a discount code:

Name Type Description
id integer The ID of the discount code.
code string The unique code for the discount.
type string The type of discount: percentage, absolute, or specific.
percentage_discount number The percentage value of the discount (if applicable).
absolute_discount number The absolute monetary value of the discount (if applicable).
applicable_line_items array Array of items to which the discount applies.
apply_to_all boolean Indicates if the discount applies to all items.
capacity integer The maximum number of times this discount can be used.
min_group_size integer The minimum group size required to use this discount.
registrants_per_use integer The maximum number of registrants that can use this discount per group.
all_registrants_in_group boolean Whether all registrants in a group must use the same discount.
custom_fees array Custom fees associated with this discount.
notes string Additional notes or comments about the discount.
event_id integer The ID of the event to which this discount is associated.
created_at string (date-time) Timestamp when the discount was created.
updated_at string (date-time) Timestamp when the discount was last updated.
visibility_id integer ID for the visibility rule applied to the discount.
is_sold_out boolean Indicates if the discount is sold out based on capacity.
Extra Fields

This is the extra information that can be returned if required by specifying what you need in the expand variable:

Name Type Description
alternates object Alternative code list, which will inherit the settings of the main code
autopopulate object Registrant fields to be automatically populated with the specified data, when this discount code is applied to a registrant.
registrantCount integer Number of registrants that used this Discount Code.
reservedCount integer Number of reserved Discount Codes.
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