Discount Codes and Webhook Groups update
2 months ago by Ryan Brotherton
Discount Codes
- Added Create, Update, and Delete endpoints for discount code management.
- Enhanced OpenAPI spec with:
- Examples for all CRUD operations.
- Field descriptions and validation rules.
- Implemented robust validation and error handling and responses to ensure reliable API usage.
Webhook Groups
- Introduced endpoints for managing Webhook Groups (Create, Read, Update, and Delete).
- Enabled programmatic addition/removal of Webhooks to/from Groups and group-level header configurations.
- Updated API documentation with:
- Field descriptions and examples for Webhook Group operations, and a detailed list of available fields.
- Header inheritance rules for consistent integration.
- Improved Webhook endpoints to support group assignments and Extra Fields for group-related data.
- Extended individual Webhook endpoints to support webhook group assignments.
- Provided extra fields in Webhook endpoints to display group-related information.